
Is your dating profile deterring potential matches?

There’s a common misconception that a good dating profile will attract a large number of people. However, the reality is quite different. A truly exceptional profile is likely to deter over 95% of potential matches. While this may seem like a significant change for many online daters, it can make all the difference between finding love and feeling frustrated.

Human beings are a diverse, quirky, and remarkable species. This diversity is not a negative aspect but rather a fascinating characteristic.

This is part of what makes each person unique and human. One of the difficulties of being different is that not everyone fits together. Most people do not get along. If compatibility were simple, Match and Tinder would not have over 60,000,000 users.

What a dating profile might scare people away

Insecurity can lead people to think that the best way to meet someone is by making their profile as attractive as possible to as many users as they possibly can. It is a good idea, but consider the negatives!

It’s worse to connect with the wrong people on a dating application than with no one at all. My clients would prefer to go on one date every two months that could lead to a long-term relationship, rather than 20 dates that are destined for failure. It’s not that I think you should make your profile look less appealing, it’s the exact opposite. But you only want people who are interested in you to see it.

The best dating profiles to scare people away.

Take Akari as an example. This blog was inspired by her. Akari was a client that I helped write her profile. She told me that she loves to try out new food during our meeting. As we continued to talk, she began to tell me how frustrating it was to be with people who go to the exact same restaurant every year and order exactly the same meal. We want her to be the type of person that we scare off with her profile.

Her profile will include a statement about her love of going to restaurants where she has never been and ordering the favorite dish from her server. This line could make someone’s profile very appealing to adventurous eaters or anyone who has an adventurous spirit. For those who consider fajitas from Chili’s to be adventurous, it is not a good idea to leave their dinner to chance.

How to get the most out of your online dating profile

It’s not important to be attractive to all people. You should only make yourself appealing to people with whom you have compatibility. It is your right to find someone that fits with you. You may be able to find a partner online if you are looking for someone who will make you feel less lonely.